Thursday, September 23, 2010

Share Your Art With Oxy CatAList

So I, through no fault of my own, was recently bamboozled into hosting my own segment on Oxy's new "television show," CatAList. Each week, a group of student filmmakers puts together a 15-20 minute show that explores the diverse array of interests, talents, and quirks within the Occidental community. My segment focuses on Oxy's hidden artists, from painters to singers to filmmakers, and everything in between.

Check out the first episode of CatAList right here, right now!!

CatAList Episode 1 (Sept. 20th) from CatAlist TV on Vimeo.

Do you consider yourself an artist? Do you not consider yourself an artist but have your friends tell you that you are one all the time? Do you have any artistic abilities whatsoever? Do you, in fact, have no artistic abilities whatsoever, but still maintain an extensive doodle collection in your class notebooks? Then email me at for a chance to be featured on my segment. You can screen your short film, display your proudest painting, play us a song, or throw on some bunny slippers and a cape and show us your interpretive dance. We'll take it.

Support your community, share your talents, express yourself. CatAList. Do it.

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