Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Making Youtube Slightly More Cultured: A Study Break Worth Taking

Picture this: it's 4 am, the day before the final paper is due, and you've holed yourself up in the library, bringing with you only your computer and some vending machine provisions. You've even deactivated your facebook account in a desperate attempt at concentration. Suddenly, it happens. Youtube. No matter how hard you try, it's simply impossible to keep your fingers from repeatedly clicking on yet another "funny cat video", all the while your cursor innocently blinks atop a blank word document. Curse you, Youtube, evil website where papers and free will go to die!

Despite being an occasional distraction from more enlightened pursuits, the popularity of youtube has been incredibly beneficial for everyday people to earn recognition for expressing themselves in unique ways. One such person who changed his life with youtube is the musician Andy McKee. Andy Mckee is a self-taught classical guitarist from Topeka, Kansas who used youtube to showcase his incredible talent, earning the respect of millions of musicians and music lovers.

According to his website, Andy Mckee's "dedicated online community has raised his YouTube video views in excess of 78 million plays and at one point he held the #1, #2 and #3 positions for Top-Rated Videos of All Time on YouTube. McKee’s online media success has impacted both album and ticket sales allowing him to tour internationally with over 200 live shows a year" ( After the overnight success of his youtube videos, Mckee's music sold out on the internet in less than a week. Suddenly, he was famous. Andy was awarded the Acoustic Guitar Magazine worldwide silver medal award for fingerstyle in December 2008.Andy McKee is a masterful artist who would never have reached the levels of success that he has without youtube. So thank you youtube, for reminding us of the beauty of classical music, and for bringing us joyful stories of success about guys who truly deserve it.

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